Innovation in the company: What could go wrong?

In many large companies, corporate start-ups are founded in order to achieve innovative agility and try out new ideas in an “unencumbered” environment in order to bring them to market maturity. There are however various potential traps that can lie in wait here. In this post, we will tell you which traps your audit team […]
Innovation in the company: How can auditing contribute?

Every company wants innovations. It is now becoming increasingly important how innovations or an innovation process can be institutionalized, even within large organizations. Agility and mature processes can quickly turn out to be in contradiction to each other however. The art is to combine both through synergy. This is what corporate start-ups – often referred […]
Open innovation in auditing – is there any such thing?

The auditing industry and even external auditors themselves are usually considered to be a pretty conservative bunch, endowed with a critical and questioning attitude. An industry where innovations are often sought in vain. But, at zapliance, it’s different, of course, because we’re committed to the digitization of the audit process. In today’s blog post, we […]
The digital transformation in auditing – an industry undergoing change?

At the Leuphana University of Lüneburg, an interdisciplinary team from the fields of International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship and Information Systems, headed by Prof. Dr. Drews, Prof. Dr. Funk and Prof. Dr. Velte, is conducting research on topics such as the digital transformation. We have been able to enlist the services of the PhD student […]
Cabinet of curiosities: The story of the time when zapliance discovered a body in the trunk of a car

What happens in cases where data analysis is used to uncover something quite out of the ordinary? – Well, you guessed right… we will share the details of them with you on our blog, as long as they are brought to our attention, that is, and we have the permission to publish them from the […]
Financial Process Mining and Compliance in Process Models

With the new release of zap Audit, the process visualization module has been completely overhauled and now has a fresh new look. From now on, findings from our automated data analysis are displayed directly in the process model, so that you as an auditor can evaluate the findings in the context of the process to […]
Did you catch “December fever” too?

For many, if not all of you, December 31st was the balance sheet date for the past fiscal year. Many departments / heads of department seize the opportunity to fully use up any budget that they may have managed to save at the end of the year. This phenomenon to completely use up funds which […]
zap Audit investigates: Could an imprisonable offence have been avoided?

In Hamburg, a decision was made at the beginning of the year about a particularly serious case of embezzlement and forgery. We looked into the case and came to the conclusion that a company could have discovered the fraud itself with the help of zap Audit. How? That’s what we are going to explain in […]
Process Mining for Dummies (part 3)

In the third and final part of this series, I would like to introduce you to the three known forms of process mining and to highlight some of the challenges of this discipline. While Process Mining may sound very comfortable and easy to implement, if the solutions are not fully, or at least partially automated, […]
Process Mining for Dummies (part 2)

Event Logs are the foundation for reconstructing process models and thus for process mining. But how does an Event Log look like and what are the steps to be taken in a process mining project? Answers on these questions can be read in our first part of this blog series called: “Process Mining for Dummies“. […]