zapliance turns into zapliance – only better

In our lastest blog post, you could already read a lot about what was going on at zapliance last year: We reflected, repositioned and realigned ourselves. The outcome: we sharpened our big picture, got to the core of our values and adapted our brand to the new target image. In the future, it will continue […]
Hype, Ready, Attack – 2021 at Zapliance

Anyone who has watched the reality game show “7 vs. wild” on YouTube knows this introduction. For everyone who doesn’t know it, it’s about seven contestants who must each endure at a lake in Sweden’s wilderness alone for seven days using only their clothes and up to seven items of their own choosing. Our year […]
We are back again! What we brought to 2021: tips on how to start the new year prepared!

I don’t know about you, but I have the feeling that my Christmas vacation was months ago and we’re all back in the swing of things. Of course, not least because of the lockdown, some processes are still at a standstill in one place or another at the start of the year, but once again […]
This was our 2020 at zapliance

Let’s start with a question. When was the last time you had a conversation with someone without talking about Corona? It does honestly feel like forever to me – and I am guessing I won’t be able to completely avoid the topic in this article either. Since March Corona has followed us wherever we go, […]
Your feedback implemented in zap Audit 2.5.0: Simplify your work now!

Let’s start with a question: Has your email inbox actually changed in the last 6 months? Strange question you think? The reason I ask is the following: In our last OKR planning for Q4, Felix, our zap Audit Product Lead, told me that he received 50% more emails from customers in the last 6 months than in […]
Special crisis, special risks: This is how you voted

To be honest: I can no longer hear the words crisis, corona, COVID, pandemic, and other synonyms. But one man’s suffering is known to be another man’s joy. That is why fraudsters try to take advantage of this situation. For example processes are not following the standard or approval processes are bypassed. But it is […]
That was 2019 @ zapliance in numbers

That was 2019, and as data analysis start-up, we have summarized our year in a few numbers for you. We will be back in January and for now we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2020.
zapliance becomes part of the Artificial Intelligence Center (ARIC) in Hamburg

Finally, it’s now official. The Artificial Intelligence Center (ARIC) e.V. has been founded in Hamburg as a cross-sector initiative from business, science and politics. ARIC is an official initiative of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg in the Northern Metropolitan Region in the area of Artificial Intelligence and we have been one of its founding members […]
Inside zapliance: We are moving!

Once again it is time and we are moving for the second time within 3 years. The team continues to grow and more space is needed for creative and productive work. I don’t want to write much more at this point, but simply share some impressions of the move. Have fun! From now on you […]
The new zap Audit dashboard for a better overview

Version 2 of zap Audit has been released, so over the next couple of weeks we are going to take a closer look at the multitude of new features it has to offer. In today’s article, we will examine the benefits of the new dashboard, including the “process house”, what exactly it is all about, […]