Today’s blog post presents you three interesting data indicators from the area of master data and payments. Following this way, you will be able to quickly find noticeable problems and implausible processes.
Part 2 of the series: “The digital Audit for Cross Process Weaknesses”
1. How the digital audit for cross process weaknesses works
2. Smart strategies to automatically audit master data and payments
3. Quick Guide: Auditing principles of orderly bookkeeping
4. What no one tells you about automatic analytics of SAP access protection
5. 3 top indicators for auditing process plausibility
6. A complete guide to Professional Judgement…
Before you proceed reading on the details of the indicators, I would recommend you read the concept of indicators first.
Three Top Indicators for SAP Master Data and Payments
Every indicator is associated with a process, a process area, an audit objective and a risk respectively. In the following, three selected indicators in the area of master data and payments are presented.
In total, I have developed and implemented 20 indicators for the area of cross processes. You can download the details about all cross process indicators here.

Payment without any reference to vendor or customer
This indicator aims at identifying compliance and correctness.
There is the risk that payments cannot be correctly allocated.
The criteria for this indicator is:
The document has been marked because it includes a payment (or clearing) that has neither a reference to a customer nor to a vendor.
Baseline date for payment due date were changed in document
This indicator aims at identifying compliance and correctness.
There is the risk that payment due dates were manipulated in a document.
The criteria for this indicator is:
The document has been marked because the baseline date for the payment term (BSEG-ZFBDT) or the fields to calculate the payment date (BSEG: ZBD1T, ZBD2T, ZBD3T) were changed.
Processes with more than one change of the same master data field
This indicator aims at identifying compliance and correctness.
There is the risk that a field of a master data entry has been changed and reversed to hide a temporary change.
The criteria for this indicator is:
The marked change documents had the same data field of a vendor or customer master data entry changed several times within the same sequence.