zapliance GmbH
Holzdamm 57
20099 Hamburg
Phone: +49 (0) 40 5544 4490
Email: kontakt(at)
VAT-ID: DE297892367
Register Court: Amtsgericht Hamburg, HRB 134758
CEO: Alexander Rühle
Transmission of data, e.g. e-mails, through the Internet involves security risks that cannot be completely eliminated irrespective of precautions taken. Subject to this reservation, we undertake to observe all reasonable precautions to safeguard personal data and other confidential information transmitted to us by clients against access by unauthorized third parties. In particular, such personal data and information will be transmitted through the Internet only if such transmission does not infringe third-party rights, or if the owner has issued his prior consent despite awareness of security risks. As website provider, we hereby disclaim all liability for damage or loss resulting from such security risks and for any related acts of omission on our part.
We oppose third-party use of available contact information for the purpose of sending unsolicited advertisements to our website. As website provider, we reserve the express right to take legal action against unsolicited mailing or e-mailing of spam and other similar advertising materials to our website.
Other websites not operated by the zapliance GmbH can be reached by links from this website. These linked sites websites contain information created, published, maintained and provided by organizations and natural and legal persons not legally connected with zapliance GmbH. zapliance GmbH bears no responsibility whatsoever for the content of such linked sites and is not in a position to approve, support or confirm the information contained on either those sites or on other addresses linked to them. Although we diligently verify the contents of such external links, we hereby disclaim any liability whatsoever for these.
zapliance GmbH reserves all intellectual property rights to information contained on this website. This applies to all site designs, all texts, all graphics, selections and layouts, and, in particular, to copyrights, irrespective of whether or not the copyright claim is actually stated.