Part VI of the series: Automated Audit of the Configuration and Authorizations in SAP MM

Today’s blog post presents you with SAP authorizations related to invoice verification.

1. Is everything well organized? Auditing organizational structures in SAP MM
2. Proper protection of vendor master data
3. The procedure for checking the approval process for purchase requisitions
4. Are your purchase orders ordered in the best way?
5. Everything under control for critical goods movements
6. How to protect your invoice verification
7. Clear interrelationships when recording the physical inventory
8. Customizing in SAP MM set at the test bench
9. Segregation of duties in “purchase to pay”
10. Good practices in relation to the segregation of duties between “purchase to pay” and “financial accounting”

SAP Authorizations for creating an invoice

Invoice verification provides the actual link between Materials Management and Financial Accounting. In invoice verification, the accuracy of the facts, values and figures in the received invoices and credit memos is checked and they are then entered in the system. The following options for posting incoming invoices are available:

      Order-related invoices

      Goods receipt-based invoices

      Invoices without a reference

Releasing locked invoices

The system checks each invoice item for deviations. Tolerance limits can be configured for each type of deviation. Differences between the purchase order, goods receipt and invoice in an item automatically cause the entire invoice to be locked for payment. Locked invoices can be released only as a whole. They have to be released using a special work step with transaction MRBR. In each case, the release is documented using a change document. The authorization must be assigned only to employees who evaluate the respective reasons for the locks and who can introduce appropriate measures.

You can download the details about all SAP settings here:

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