In the second part of this series, you will learn how to explicitly analyze FI documents posted during weekend in your SAP system. You will receive the technical equipment to perform adequate data analytics.

Part II of the series: “FI documents posted during weekend”

1. What postings during weekend have to do with the fraud triangle
2. How to identify postings during weekend
3. Postings during weekend you should definitely not ignore
4. Quick Guide: Reducing the identified amount of postings

How to identify documents posted during weekend?

This question is not too difficult to answer. One must simply filter all the documents that were posted during the weekend. Of course, you should not take the posting date, but the entry date of the document.

Furthermore, you should select additional characteristics in order to be able to assess whether certain postings during weekend are of particular interest. I recommend you to evaluate the document type additionally. The document type can often be used to identify the department of the company from which the posting originated.

How to receive data to analyze documents posted during weekend?

If you would like to analyze postings during weekend in your SAP system, you will require the necessary SAP data structure and the corresponding data from your SAP. Your data will be downloaded automatically from your SAP system with the help of the zapAudit software.

How to analyze documents posted during weekend?

I designed a three-step instruction to help you detect and interpret postings during weekend by using SQL. You can download the corresponding instruction here:

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