SAP Cybersecurity: How Secure Are Your Passwords?

Cybersecurity is a topic that pretty much everyone is talking about at the moment. The discussion is often aimed at the infrastructure level, i.e. the security of networks and operating systems. However, the application level should not be forgotten either! One of the most important business application systems is often the company’s ERP system, which […]
Living from hand to mouth? How to run a first liquidity check on your customers

Having taken a look in our last two blog posts at the various accounts receivables and individual customers, we will now look at some simple statistics, examine the correlation between certain parameters and view the results as Excel charts. If you missed the last two blog posts, you can access them by clicking on the […]
When payments become a moral matter: How fast do your customers pay?

Analyzing the receivables accounts in SAP gives you an initial feel for how receivables are distributed. But it does not let you say anything in detail about the payment behavior of individual customers. For this reason, in this article, we will take a more in-depth look at individual customers and compare them with each other. […]
Do customers always pay on time?

In extreme cases, non-payments can cause companies to get into real trouble. That’s why we will be taking a closer look at this topic – one which is well known to auditors – over the course of the coming weeks. The end of the year is slowly but surely drawing near, and, for many companies, […]
Continuous Business Monitoring: An Approach to Enterprise Monitoring (Part 2)

Having already presented what Continuous Business Monitoring actually is, the benefits it provides for individual participants and having identified the drivers for its implementation, in this article, I will now present its different components, a procedure for its implementation and some examples of applications. Did you miss the first part of the two-part series? No […]
Continuous Business Monitoring: An Approach to Enterprise Monitoring

The monitoring of companies with regard to the regularity of financial reporting and risks that pose a danger to the ongoing existence of the company is one of the statutory duties of the boards of directors and managing directors of large corporations. The size and complexity of globally operating companies presents management with the problem […]
Step-by-step procedure for auditing purchase-to-pay in SAP

The biggest and most well-known area of SAP auditing must be purchase-to-pay. Almost one third of our indicators fall into this category. That alone is reason enough for us to devote an extensive two-part blog series to the subject. Before going into things in more detail, we first need to describe the fundamentals of auditing […]
Taking matters into our own hands: Identifying Conflicts of SoD thanks to Financial Process Mining

In the last post, we presented 5 critical conflicts of segregation of duties (SoD). When reading that post, some of you may have wondered how many such potential conflicts exist and if there might not be a more efficient way of auditing for such conflicts in SAP. It is the latter question that many of you […]
5 critical Conflicts of SoD you should avoid – and how to detect them

Avoiding and analyzing conflicts of SoD is not easy without third-party tools. That’s why we present an approach you can use to analyze conflicts in SoD without using one of them like zap Audit. Everything you need to perform the analyses can be found in a standard SAP system. We will set out the approach to […]
Test your maturity level in Segregation of Duties!

In our last blog post about Segregation of duties (SoD) Management, I introduced several categories for evaluating SoD maturity level. We will now use these categories to test your maturity level. By adopting this approach, you will be able to test your maturity level quickly and easily. Assessing your Segregation of Duties Maturity Level In […]