What’s what? – A short tour through the world of SAP

You can sometimes overhear some interesting things being said in the corridors at conferences and the terms SAP S/4, SAP HANA and SAP C/4 are often used synonymously. In this article, I will explain not only that there are indeed technological differences between SAP products but also that some of them are actually built on […]

I think my transfer price may be attracting attention: When the taxman rings thrice

Transfer pricing is a sensitive issue. Especially when it comes to the tax authorities. Transfer prices often serve as “marshalling yards” for shunting profits around between Group companies. After all, which company would not rather report a high profit in a low-tax country than in a high-tax country (such as Germany)? In this blog post, […]

Lost in Space: Finding Missing Documents in the Optical Archive

In one of our recent blog articles, we briefly presented three indicators from which our readers could choose the most interesting and exciting indicator that they would like us to look at in more detail in the future. Thank you very much for your active participation and, as promised, we will now present item No. […]

The big costs test: Do you have unallocated costs in SAP?

In this blog post, we look at the basic relationships between external and internal accounting in SAP, and, more precisely: between expenses in external accounting and their allocation to elements in cost accounting, such as cost centers or cost objects. A simple analysis consists of looking to see whether there are expenses in accounting that […]

Who’s been fiddling around with my SAP system? – this is how you can tell!

For SAP to work the way you need it to in your company, you have to adjust the system extensively to the individual requirements of your organization – this is also known as “customizing”. If the customizing is changed, the way your SAP system behaves is also changed. Therefore, you should always be able to […]

3-Way Match Part 1: Delivered as ordered? – Here’s how to find out!

Our topic today looks at a “classic” in the area of internal controls in purchasing: the 3-Way Match. The 3-Way Match as a control assumes that order quantities, incoming goods quantities and quantities invoiced by the supplier must correspond. As usual, we want to take a data-oriented approach. So I’ll be showing you how you […]

The madness of exchange rate fraud in SAP

“Two things can drive a person mad: jealousy and the study of exchange rates.” Frank Pöpsel, German journalist (“Capital”) (Translated from the German) SAP remains very true to the spirit of Frank Pöpsel’s words by surprising us with a particular scenario relating to exchange rates that we would like to present to you here today. […]

Cash is King – 3 steps for finding payments made “by roundabout means”

Disbursements in SAP should follow strictly defined processes in accounting. A good internal control system can only be based on a well-defined process. Since outgoing payments have a direct effect on the assets of every company, every auditor – and of course every accounting manager too – should have a major interest in ensuring a […]