AI or no AI – that is the question here

Some time ago, a zapliance customer approached Alex and me with the idea of starting an Artificial Intelligence compliance project together. The goal of the project: to develop a plan on how to evaluate AI use cases – a kind of best practice, so to speak, to classify whether a use case can be rated […]

What exactly is artificial intelligence and where does it come from?

Artificial intelligence is something everyone is talking about right now. But opinions often differ when it comes to the definition and origin of the term. We were able to get hold of Johannes Ipsen and lawyer Jan Schnedler to write a series of blog articles to shed light on the subject for us. The following […]

3 steps for the compliance assessment of AI-based decisions

Remember the three “What can go wrong?” phenomena from our last blog article? Rule Blackbox Out-of-Context Bias Feedback Loop Bias In this article, we will use these phenomena to derive a procedure for a compliance-oriented assessment of AI-based decisions in companies. But before we get started, we need to make a distinction: When is AI used […]

zapliance becomes part of the Artificial Intelligence Center (ARIC) in Hamburg

Finally, it’s now official. The Artificial Intelligence Center (ARIC) e.V. has been founded in Hamburg as a cross-sector initiative from business, science and politics. ARIC is an official initiative of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg in the Northern Metropolitan Region in the area of Artificial Intelligence and we have been one of its founding members […]

Artificial Intelligence and Compliance. How does it all fit together?

Lifelong learning is now something that is expected of us everyday and we are facing major challenges with the rapid development of new technologies such as 5G, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Now it is a matter of equipping the audit department with the appropriate competencies at an early stage in order […]

Audit in science: Artificial Intelligence and RPA in auditing

It’s been a long time since I first played the game “Summer Games” on the C64. Admittedly, even then, the C64 was already getting on a bit, but the relatively uncoordinated alternating hammering on the two red buttons of the joystick is something that has remained in my memory to this day. All you wanted […]

How and why? – Artificial Intelligence

All day, every day, companies are now collecting enormous amounts of data about their products, customers or by simply using their information systems. Such increased availability of data raises one important question: how to use the gathered data to generate meaningful information? What is important is to connect the data and discover patterns. There are […]