First the infection rate drops, then tax: are you prepared?

On 12th June 2020, the German Federal Cabinet passed a short-term decision to reduce VAT as of 1st July 2020 as part of an economic stimulus package. What was intended as a well-intentioned aid measure to overcome the coronavirus crisis, quickly brought beads of sweat to the brow of many decision-makers. They had just come out of […]
How will auditors of the future find the right partners?

The following article is part of our blog article series “The Future of Audit“. What is the reason for the intensive examination of this topic? We at zapliance with our team of auditors, scientists and developers, have observed in recent years that the general conditions for us auditors have changed rapidly. For example, the constantly […]
Special crisis, special risks: This is how you voted

To be honest: I can no longer hear the words crisis, corona, COVID, pandemic, and other synonyms. But one man’s suffering is known to be another man’s joy. That is why fraudsters try to take advantage of this situation. For example processes are not following the standard or approval processes are bypassed. But it is […]
10 duplicate payment fails every accounting professional should know

Duplicate payments happen time and time again in companies. We at zapliance have been dealing with this topic for quite some time now and have learned a lot about duplicate payments. In particular, what causes duplicate payments and how they occur. In this blog post, we lay out 10 types of duplicate payments that we’ve […]
Dealing with other opinions: How should auditors of the future react?

The following article is part of our blog article series “The Future of Audit”. What is the reason for the intensive examination of this topic? We at zapliance, with our team of auditors, scientists and developers, have observed that the general conditions for us auditors have changed rapidly in recent years. For example, the constantly […]
Special crisis, special risks: What do you think?

The economic effects of the crisis are enormous. Short-time work is announced in many places. Even in auditing. However, this neglects one aspect: in this exceptional situation, companies are now exposed to very special risks – in contrast to “normal” times. And the audit department is taking a “break”. How does it fit together? It […]
Auditing from home? Agile? Digital? That is how you voted!

A few weeks ago, the crisis gained momentum dramatically, and companies quickly decided to send their employees home. Our professor took the chance and wrote an article about what auditors might work from home. Hint: if you missed the article, what I do not expect from you as a well-informed auditor, you can find it here. […]
Fight the Crisis: The Big Freeze

It’s been a while since I last attended an economics lecture. But I have always been interested in the subject. Now the threshold of the crisis has been crossed by the coronavirus, and economic upheavals are becoming apparent. What can we do against the developing economic crisis? I dare to make my proposal: The big freeze. […]
Does working from home hinder your work as an auditor? Take this approach!

‘Corona crisis’ is term on everyone’s lips, and the question of its significance for friends and family is a concern for all of us. However, the initial shock might now be over. The question therefore arises as to what the crisis means for us auditors The profession of an auditor involves a lot of travel […]
Which personality type is best suited for auditors of the future?

Why do we care about competencies and personality types so much? We have seen in recent years that the general conditions for us auditors are changing rapidly. An example of this is the ever-growing amount of available data that makes getting a holistic, and valid, view of the risk/opportunity perspective increasingly difficult without the support […]