Do you have power users with one-time accounts?

A wide variety of questions may be raised when conducting analytics of the extensive usage of one-time accounts. The aim of this blog post is not to come down hard on staff members, but to check whether they are adhering to compliance guidelines or not. We also want to find out if they have been […]

An unsparing look behind the scenes: How to analyze one-time accounts in SAP

Numerous compliance guidelines exist in medium- to large-sized companies for the usage of one-time accounts in SAP. These may vary from the total prohibition of one-time payments to a limit placed on such payments, which may extend up to quite a significant amount of money, depending on the company. Based on the guidelines and using […]

How to find one-time invoices in SAP in three steps

In this blog post you will learn how to analyze the use of one-time accounts in SAP using data analysis. You can very quickly estimate how intensively such accounts are used in your SAP and whether there are invoices with large amounts. I would like to take you through the three steps to follow to conduct […]

One-Time Accounts – The quick checklist for your accounting department

One-Time Accounts are collective accounts for one-time transactions that are not assigned to a vendor or customer. Auditors usually do not like these one-time accounts, because transactions can be easily hidden in such accounts. You should understand the risk of using one-time accounts and how you can assess this risk. Part 1 of the series: […]

How to prevent Duplicate Payments in SAP with the Internal Control System

You want to avoid potential duplicate payments in SAP by using the internal control system (ICS)? Even before the postings are made in the financial accounting department? Then don’t miss out this blog post! I will show you the settings, how to develop them and where the limits are. Optimize your processes and reduce potential duplicate […]

Duplicate Payments in SAP: Reducing False Positives using a Utility Analysis

“How can we reduce the amount of results of twice payed invoices?” was a question in the preparation of this blog post. In collaboration with the Professor and my vague recollection of past business administration lectures, we opted for a utility analysis. Therefore, the combination of Professional Judgement and hard facts of data analytics should […]

3 steps to uncover duplicate payments in SAP

In this blog post, I would like to show you how to uncover duplicate payments in SAP. You will encounter many “False Positives” while searching for duplicate payments. Identifying and excluding as many “False Positives” as possible to get to the real duplicate payments is a high art. Finding duplicate payments is more like looking for […]

Cashback: How the audit department pays off with duplicate payments

It is not always easy for the auditor to point out and communicate the value contribution of the audit department to the company. The audit department is often regarded as a regulatory necessity. Of course, it is much easier if the insights of an audit save money. That is why I dedicate this four-part series […]

Quick Guide: Reducing the identified amount of postings

In the fourth part of this series, you will learn how to further reduce the results from last post and find actual outliers. You will then be able to question the operating departments even more specifically. Part IV of the series: “FI documents posted during weekend” 1. What postings during weekend have to do with the […]

Postings during weekend you should definitely not ignore

In today’s blog post, we will analyze which types of documents posted during weekend must be inspected closely. For this purpose, we will use the analytics of the SQL statements of the previous series. Part III of the series: “FI documents posted during weekend” 1. What postings during weekend have to do with the fraud triangle2. How to […]