Pass the buck… by all means, but don’t forget to include the VAT IDs of your customers

It is often said that Value Added Tax (VAT) is a transitory item. What people who emphasize this really want to say is the following: that VAT is something that has no influence on the company’s P&L or income and is thus “neutral” … … and that much is true. But only … if you […]
VAT: It’s your Duty – Using Data Analysis to comply with tightened Tax Compliance!

It is becoming an increasingly hot topic. Various different people have already raised the issue of value added tax with me. So it’s now time to write a blog post on the subject. The question is: Why is the issue of value added tax for companies becoming more and more of a pressing matter, and […]
How to analyze your own payment behavior in SAP

Do you actually know how many days it takes for an invoice to be balanced / paid in your company? You don’t? Or whether you may have missed the opportunity to benefit from cash discounts? You don’t know that either? Then you should definitely not miss this blog article under any circumstances. Part IV of […]
Revised terms of payment: How to clean up your vendor master data

After analyzing all vendors with bad or unsuccessful payment terms in the last blog post, we now want to gain a deeper insight into the various respective terms of payment. Part III of the series: “Payment terms in vendor master data” 1. Are you failing to benefit from cash discounts due to poorly maintained payment terms […]
Two steps to analyze bad payment terms in SAP

In today’s blog post I would like to show you how you can identify suppliers with no or bad payment terms in SAP, thus enabling you to conduct an audit of your payment terms quickly and efficiently! Part II of the series: “Payment terms in vendor master data” 1. Are you failing to benefit from cash […]
Are you failing to benefit from cash discounts due to poorly maintained payment terms in SAP

Deducting cash discounts for incoming invoices is one of the easiest ways to save costs in the company. For this to work successfully, payment terms must be maintained correctly and promptly in SAP. In this four-part blog series, I would like to show you how to analyze payment terms using data analyses to investigate whether discounts are […]
How you can notice which business transactions are being left undealt with for a longer period of time

In my last blog post, I presented a way of analyzing whether postings are being recorded in a timely manner depending on the month of processing. Now we are going to take this one step further and conduct an audit to check whether there are certain business transactions / document types that are being left […]
Analysis of the continuous recording of postings over time

Have you ever asked yourself how many days’ elapse between the processing and posting date for postings within your company? Perhaps those of you in Germany have heard of the abbreviation GoBD, a set of accounting principles on proper book-keeping (German: GoBD) related to Germany’s Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) (German: GoB), but didn’t really think about […]
Quick Guide: Three steps to determine if postings are being recorded in a timely manner

Up to 52% of postings are not made within the limit of 40 days for timely posting (posting month + 10 days). By reading this Quick Guide, you will be able to find out how to analyze whether postings are being made in a timely manner in SAP. Reduce the risk of incorrect or fraudulent […]
Don’t put it off until tomorrow… recording of postings in a timely manner

Do you know how long you can hold on to documents before you need to post them? Is there a duty to post in a timely manner, or can a company simply decide when to post invoices. For companies in Germany, this is clearly defined: … … you must post them in a timely manner. In […]