7 Things every Auditor has to Know about Fixed Assets

Between the acquisition of an asset and its retirement, there can be many stumbling blocks along the way. By using data analysis in SAP, an auditor can find out a great deal. That is the reason why I would like to introduce you to the basics of a fixed asset audit and the challenges that […]
Process Mining for Dummies (part 3)

In the third and final part of this series, I would like to introduce you to the three known forms of process mining and to highlight some of the challenges of this discipline. While Process Mining may sound very comfortable and easy to implement, if the solutions are not fully, or at least partially automated, […]
Process Mining for Dummies (part 2)

Event Logs are the foundation for reconstructing process models and thus for process mining. But how does an Event Log look like and what are the steps to be taken in a process mining project? Answers on these questions can be read in our first part of this blog series called: “Process Mining for Dummies“. […]
Process Mining for Dummies

Everything you always wanted to know about Process Mining, but were afraid to ask. Companies use information systems to enhance the processing of their business transactions. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) and workflow management systems (WFMS) are the predominant information system types that are used to support and automate the execution of business processes. Business processes like procurement, operations, logistics, sales […]
Taking matters into our own hands: Identifying Conflicts of SoD thanks to Financial Process Mining

In the last post, we presented 5 critical conflicts of segregation of duties (SoD). When reading that post, some of you may have wondered how many such potential conflicts exist and if there might not be a more efficient way of auditing for such conflicts in SAP. It is the latter question that many of you […]
5 critical Conflicts of SoD you should avoid – and how to detect them

Avoiding and analyzing conflicts of SoD is not easy without third-party tools. That’s why we present an approach you can use to analyze conflicts in SoD without using one of them like zap Audit. Everything you need to perform the analyses can be found in a standard SAP system. We will set out the approach to […]
Test your maturity level in Segregation of Duties!

In our last blog post about Segregation of duties (SoD) Management, I introduced several categories for evaluating SoD maturity level. We will now use these categories to test your maturity level. By adopting this approach, you will be able to test your maturity level quickly and easily. Assessing your Segregation of Duties Maturity Level In […]
It’s your (Segregation of) Duty! How well is your company performing when it comes to Segregation of Duties?

Segregation of Duties (also known as Separation of Duties) is a never-ending topic when it comes to ERP systems such as SAP, as segregation of duties is an elementary component of any system of internal control. This blog post will help you to assess how well your business is performing in this area. I would […]
Conto pro Diabolo (One-time accounts), a.k.a. the “Devil’s Account”

As a follow-up to our blog topic on the usage of one-time accounts, we received an email from one of our loyal readers, who reported two scenarios that he has encountered in practice that we felt it was important to share with you. One of them relates to the highly topical subject of electronic invoices (e-invoices) […]
How to Solve One of the Biggest Problems with VAT stated

While you can find the customer’s Value Added Tax (VAT) ID in the master data in SAP and it is used as a template for invoices, the stated amount of VAT is found in the transaction data. As a rule of thumb, if a delivery or other service is delivered to a company in another European country, […]