What exactly is artificial intelligence and where does it come from?

Artificial intelligence is something everyone is talking about right now. But opinions often differ when it comes to the definition and origin of the term. We were able to get hold of Johannes Ipsen and lawyer Jan Schnedler to write a series of blog articles to shed light on the subject for us. The following […]

Guest article: Estonia – “Minimalistic Heaven” for Startups and Investors?!

We accompanied this week’s guest contributor, the author and lawyer Jan Schnedler, on his recent trip to Estonia and we would not want to pass over the opportunity of sharing his report on the experience with you. So, today, here’s something a little more exotic for you to think about. Without further ado, it’s over […]

Innovation in the company: What could go wrong?

In many large companies, corporate start-ups are founded in order to achieve innovative agility and try out new ideas in an “unencumbered” environment in order to bring them to market maturity. There are however various potential traps that can lie in wait here. In this post, we will tell you which traps your audit team […]

Innovation in the company: How can auditing contribute?

Every company wants innovations. It is now becoming increasingly important how innovations or an innovation process can be institutionalized, even within large organizations. Agility and mature processes can quickly turn out to be in contradiction to each other however. The art is to combine both through synergy. This is what corporate start-ups – often referred […]