Process Mining for Dummies (part 2)

Event Logs are the foundation for reconstructing process models and thus for process mining. But how does an Event Log look like and what are the steps to be taken in a process mining project? Answers on these questions can be read in our first part of this blog series called: “Process Mining for Dummies“. […]

Process Mining for Dummies

Everything you always wanted to know about Process Mining, but were afraid to ask. Companies use information systems to enhance the processing of their business transactions. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) and workflow management systems (WFMS) are the predominant information system types that are used to support and automate the execution of business processes. Business processes like procurement, operations, logistics, sales […]

Conto pro Diabolo (One-time accounts), a.k.a. the “Devil’s Account”

As a follow-up to our blog topic on the usage of one-time accounts, we received an email from one of our loyal readers, who reported two scenarios that he has encountered in practice that we felt it was important to share with you. One of them relates to the highly topical subject of electronic invoices (e-invoices) […]

How to Solve One of the Biggest Problems with VAT stated

While you can find the customer’s Value Added Tax (VAT) ID in the master data in SAP and it is used as a template for invoices, the stated amount of VAT is found in the transaction data. As a rule of thumb, if a delivery or other service is delivered to a company in another European country, […]

How to analyze your own payment behavior in SAP

Do you actually know how many days it takes for an invoice to be balanced / paid in your company? You don’t? Or whether you may have missed the opportunity to benefit from cash discounts? You don’t know that either? Then you should definitely not miss this blog article under any circumstances. Part IV of […]

Revised terms of payment: How to clean up your vendor master data

After analyzing all vendors with bad or unsuccessful payment terms in the last blog post, we now want to gain a deeper insight into the various respective terms of payment. Part III of the series: “Payment terms in vendor master data” 1. Are you failing to benefit from cash discounts due to poorly maintained payment terms […]

Analysis of the continuous recording of postings over time

Have you ever asked yourself how many days’ elapse between the processing and posting date for postings within your company? Perhaps those of you in Germany have heard of the abbreviation GoBD, a set of accounting principles on proper book-keeping (German: GoBD) related to Germany’s Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) (German: GoB), but didn’t really think about […]

Do you have power users with one-time accounts?

A wide variety of questions may be raised when conducting analytics of the extensive usage of one-time accounts. The aim of this blog post is not to come down hard on staff members, but to check whether they are adhering to compliance guidelines or not. We also want to find out if they have been […]