What’s what? – A short tour through the world of SAP

You can sometimes overhear some interesting things being said in the corridors at conferences and the terms SAP S/4, SAP HANA and SAP C/4 are often used synonymously. In this article, I will explain not only that there are indeed technological differences between SAP products but also that some of them are actually built on […]
If anyone’s auditing here, then it’s me!

… said the Chief Audit Executive to the QA Auditor who had just appeared in his doorway and announced that he is about to conduct an audit of the internal audit function. Saddle up your horses, Dear Members of the Auditing Community, and prepare to go to war against all those scoundrels who dare try […]
The dilemma of the weekend

In a previous series, we have already discussed the risk of postings at the weekend and demonstrated how postings of this type can be identified in SAP. However, we did not take into account that not all weekends are the same. These days, a large number of companies have units to be audited abroad, or conduct […]
Cabinet of curiosities: The story of the time when zapliance discovered a body in the trunk of a car

What happens in cases where data analysis is used to uncover something quite out of the ordinary? – Well, you guessed right… we will share the details of them with you on our blog, as long as they are brought to our attention, that is, and we have the permission to publish them from the […]
Data Science in Auditing: What exactly are decision trees and what are they used for?

Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are both hot topics right now, but the audit industry is having trouble developing suitable use case scenarios. The reasons for this can be manifold, so what we would like to do here, with this series on data science, is to provide you with the basis you need […]
3 data analyses for auditing the payment program in SAP

In our last blog post, we provided you with a general overview of some of the peculiarities of the payment program in SAP. This time round, we are going to look at things in more detail and have prepared 3 data analyses that you can use to audit the payment program in SAP. But before we […]
Payments & Co.: The questions that you should always have been asking yourself about the payment run in SAP

We are all familiar with it, and most probably all of you use it, but perhaps only some of you have ever asked yourself the question: How do you audit it? What we are talking about is nothing less than the payment program in SAP. In this article, we explain the issues involved and how […]
Uncovering disguised profit from sales tax in SAP

When the tax auditor comes to visit, there are always a number of challenges that need to be overcome. In some exceptional cases, however, the auditor’s visit is not necessarily announced beforehand, which is precisely why you should read this article carefully. To mention all the challenges here would definitely go beyond the scope of […]
Financial Process Mining and Compliance in Process Models

With the new release of zap Audit, the process visualization module has been completely overhauled and now has a fresh new look. From now on, findings from our automated data analysis are displayed directly in the process model, so that you as an auditor can evaluate the findings in the context of the process to […]
The new zap Audit dashboard for a better overview

Version 2 of zap Audit has been released, so over the next couple of weeks we are going to take a closer look at the multitude of new features it has to offer. In today’s article, we will examine the benefits of the new dashboard, including the “process house”, what exactly it is all about, […]